
It is time to renew our membership dues for the Republican Women of the North. If you want to talk about value... the $25.00 fee is a true deal! You receive a full membership into the National Federation of Republican Women, Wisconsin Federation of Republican Women and our hometown ladies group:  “Republican Women of the North.”  These memberships allow you to truly make a difference for our country by attending meetings, assisting and meeting candidates, learning from seminars, volunteering for events, charitable causes and becoming an active participant in the future of state, counties and towns.

The Republican Women of Wisconsin are making a huge commitment to the protection of fair and honorable elections and you can participate and defend this most fundamental right of all Americans.  The Republican Women of Wisconsin care about the climate of Wisconsin for our citizens and most importantly for our children, the future of this great land. Consider recruiting a friend or two to join in with us. It is my personal goal to double our membership this year. Please join me in accomplishing this goal!

Please highlight and print the selected text below and mail it in with your check to join.  Please plan on attending the events listed on our calendar and get ready to join in for a very exciting election year in Wisconsin and America.
RWN President


If you have not yet joined REPUBLICAN WOMEN in 2010, PLEASE JOIN NOW!
~For best results, highlight and print this section~

Name: ______________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________

City/Zip Code: ________________________________

Telephone Number(s): __________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________

County: _____________________________________

Winter Contact Info, if different: ___________________

_______ YES! There is a Local Club in my County and I want to become a member of the Republican Women of the North. The State Federation and Local Club Dues are included in the $25 membership fee. 

 Make your check payable to the Republican Women of the North and mail this form with your check for $25.00 to:
Republican Women of the North 
c/o Abbey Maillette, Treasurer
1191 Taylor Lake Road
Eagle River, WI 54521

*This is a 3 for 1 Membership! You will be a member of your Local Club, the State Organization ~ WFRW and the National Organization ~NFRW! 

You will have opportunities to: Attend Local Meetings, Work on a Committee, Attend Statewide Meetings, Attend Events, Volunteer on Election Day, Volunteer for Special Projects, To Be Updated on Legislative Issues and Volunteer on a Campaign!

Authorized and Paid for by The Wisconsin Federation of Republican Women, Rosemary LeMahieu, Treasurer 

You may fill out this on-line Membership Form instead, but we will still need you to mail a check for the membership fee of $25. Thank you in advance!