Thursday, September 24, 2009

NFRW Legislative Brief - Week of Sept 21

"This is probably one of the largest pieces of social legislation in American history since the Depression. It affects everybody in our country. It affects everybody in many different ways. It is comprehensive. It is complex. It just takes time to fully fathom. To put the pieces together. To understand and then to make a suggestion to make it better."
-Senator Baucus (D-MT) at a press conference on his new healthcare bill outline
Health Care Legislation Round Two...

The Senate released the latest version of health care reform legislation last week. The response from the public shows that this bill does not come any closer to solving the same problems the House Democrats' bill attempted to address.

There are several parts of the new Baucus bill that will continue to cause division. President Obama has pushed for the individual mandate in the bill which forces Americans to purchase government-approved health insurance or pay a $3,800 tax per household. The Baucus bill also contains cuts in Medicare Advantage payment rates which will cut benefits significantly for the millions of American seniors who are enrolled in the private insurance option component of Medicare. There is a new tax on high cost insurance plans which would be passed on to workers and individual insurance enrollees.

One of the most shocking components buried in the most recent legislative attempt at health care reform is a tax on Class II medical devices including: contact lenses and solutions, hearing aides, thermometers, oxygen bottles, wheelchairs, home pregnancy tests, condoms, tampons, etc. You can search other medical items you use on a daily basis to determine whether they would fall under this tax on Class II medical devices on the FDA Website.

Read the Baucus health care bill outline here.

The Obama Administration has FINALLY acknowledged the devastating impact the Cap and Trade legislation (narrowly passed in the House) would have on American families.

"The Obama administration has privately concluded that a cap and trade law would cost American taxpayers up to $200 billion a year, the equivalent of hiking personal income taxes by about 15 percent."
-from a "Taking Liberties" blog post by Declan McCullagh
On the Hill

The debate over Afghanistan is heating up on the Hill in response to the US top commander's warning about the risk of "failure" without a troop surge.

Senate Finance Committee is beginning mark-ups on the $856 billion health care reform bill. There are 564 amendments on the table.

Senator Snowe (R-M) has not stated publicly whether or not she intends to vote for the Baucus health care bill.

The American Medical Association has expressed serious concerns over the Baucus bill.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is threatening to cancel the Senate's Columbus Day recess unless they clear some of the legislative items on their agenda before then.
Senator George LeMieux (R-FL) will serve on the Armed Services, Commerce, Science and Transportation, and Aging Committees.
GOP gets Justice Department investigation into ACORN funds.

GOP lawmakers are pushing for citizenship verification to be included in the House health care bill to prevent extending benefits to illegal immigrants.
With two weeks left in the fiscal year and no appropriation bills, House Democratic leadership is moving forward with a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government at current levels.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is cutting 4 days from the House's work schedule.
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