Monday, November 1, 2010

We're Watching .... Wisconsin Elections (voter fraud can happen here, be vigilant)

Per the "We're Watching...Wisconsin Elections" effort, Wisconsin Has One of the Most Fraud-Prone Election Systems in the Country!!

* No Photo I.D. required * Deceased people "vote" * Residency requirement is only 10 days * People could easily vote more than once * People could steal your vote by simply using your name and address * People from bordering states can vote here too * Students can vote in person at college and at home by absentee ballot * Our Statewide Voter Registration List has thousands of unverified names on it * Overworked and under-trained pollworkers can lead to errors...*

Election and Voter Fraud....What to Look For! - Patriotic Resistance - We have discovered how the Democrats have been stealing elections, ...

We're Watching Wisconsin Elections - Welcome to the first of 13 articles that the "We're Watching...Wisconsin Elections" Campaign will be forwarding to help you fight election fraud from your ...

There's an App for That!  Get your Voter Fraud Reporting Application for your smartphone here:  -- be armed with your camera and a vehicle to report fraud if you see it! 

More about voter fraud.

Republican Women of the North, Northern WI,

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