Wednesday, April 7, 2010

GOP Candidate Enters Race for Vilas County Sheriff

James Maillette announced his candidacy last night as a GOP Candidate in the race for Vilas County Sheriff.

Once posted, you will be able to listen to his speech and Q&A period held last night by the Northwoods Patriots. Click here and seek the April 6 archive to listen.

Maillette is a life long resident of Vilas County, a family man with a wife and 3 children, and local business owner for the past 9 years. He has military experience, is active in the community, and has an educational background that includes both a Bachelors degree and Masters degree focused on the areas of Homeland Security, Intelligence, and Counterterrorism.

For more information about James Maillette including his plaform and views on various issues facing the northwoods, go to his website at:

Republican Women of the North, Northern WI,

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