Friday, September 10, 2010

Celebrate Constitution Day - Sept 17

A Message from Jolene, who is working for Wisconsin's families: (1-800-662-1227)

Are you aware that Friday, September 17 is Constitution Day in America? How will you be spending this day? Will you take some time to read our federal and/or state constitutions? Will you take some time to educate a young person in your life about the importance of our Constitution in ensuring our fundamental rights and restraining an overreaching state and federal government?

On Thursday, September 16, numerous citizen groups from around the state that support the Constitution will be sponsoring a special education session with esteemed Judge Randy Koschnick here at the State Capitol. Judge Koschnick will speak on "How the Wisconsin Constitution Links to the U.S. Constitution." The presentation will start at 12 Noon in Room 412-East, State Capitol, and is free and open to the public. Disabled parking is available at each of the main entrances to the Capitol.

America's Essential Documents: U.S. Constitution - Bill of Rights - Wisconsin Constitution - Declaration of Independence - The Federalist Papers - Gettysburg Address -

If you do not have a copy of the Wisconsin Constitution, it can be found on Page 193, of the State of Wisconsin Blue Book (2009-2010). If you do not have a copy of the Blue Book, you may request a copy from your elected officials by contacting the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-362-9472. The Blue Book is also available on-line at:

While researching their website recently, I see that The Heritage Foundation is making copies of pocket U.S. Constitutions available to the public.

As we see various judicial activists serving on America's courts looking to foreign treaties, statutes, and case law in rendering their extreme decisions, we need to remind citizens that the United States is a Constitutional Republic consisting of elected representatives of the people acting in accordance with Constitutional law which involves a separation of powers to the various branches to restrain the government's power against the people.

I hope you will be able to join us as we remember the founding of our country and help maintain this great experiment in freedom and liberty known as America.

Constitution Day Resources from the Library of Congress -
World War II Veteran - I Fought for You and Your Freedom -- 4-minute YouTube video clip
Charlton Heston brief video clip -"A Torch With No Flame" because we haven't taught the next generation-note the responses of the children
Wikipedia - brief explanation of Constitution Day -

Republican Women of the North, Northern WI,

1 comment:

  1. I think we should order a few hundred pocket constitutions and hand them out at the post offices or to kids.
