Sunday, September 5, 2010

Obamacare Is Here to Stay, by Chris Rowan

Mark Levin says "This is the problem with non-conservative Republicans." We agree! PLEASE take time now before our Wisconsin Primary Election September 14 to be sure we send the BEST Republicans forward to the General Election in November.

Obamacare Is Here to Stay

Posted By Chris Rowan On September 4, 2010 @ 6:00 pm In Big Government,Democratic Party / Democrats,Email,Feature,Health Care and Socialized Medicine,Politics 7 Comments

Hugh Hewitt interviewed House minority leader John Boehner a few days ago, and could not get Boehner to commit to a rapid legislative agenda to repeal and reverse the Democrat’s leftist legislative cramdown after the midterms in November. Boehner hemmed and hawed, sounding every bit like the establishment inside-the-beltway career politicians that got us into the dire economic mess that we’re in now.

To make matters worse, Bill Kristol related to Hewitt on yesterday’s podcast that he asked a “high-ranking GOP leader” what their plans were, what they intended to do should the GOP take control of one or both Houses of Congress, and this unnamed source said that they were trying to get members to sign off on a “No Earmarks” pledge, but said it was very tough going. Kristol was incredulous.

In this election year, with this blatantly obvious tidal wave of resentment and outright anger rushing toward establishment politicians (and quasi-socialist redistributionist Democrats), there are not enough Republican lawmakers with the backbone and moral courage to sign a pledge banning pork barrel spending?

The Beltway elite professional political class is neither Democrat nor Republican. They are, as coined by Mark Levin, STATISTS first and foremost. What’s good for the state is ultimately good for them, the elite professional political ruling class.

Watch for it. Obamacare should be repealed, completely, every single provision, rule, and regulation GONE, stricken from the public record and expunged from public consciousness.
But it won’t happen. Why? Because state control of health care is the ultimate power grab. Boehner and those who comprise the ruling class elite realize that as long as Obamacare exists, they will have a windmill to tilt against, a cause to rally the troops around, an issue to rail against.

Think about it. Imagine the seductive appeal of that kind of power over the lives of others.

Think your congressman can resist the urge to use his new authority as one of 435 quasi-health care administrators to ensure his re-election? Doubtful, right?

Stealth statist Republicans will nip at the edges of Obamacare, but will never repeal it because they have as much to lose (and, ironically, as much to gain) as the radical leftist Democrats who crammed it down our throats.

Obamacare is here to stay.

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