Saturday, April 17, 2010

Harsh Realities of Voter Protection Act - We must speak out now!

Well-written summary of the Voter Protection Act by Wisconsin Family Action:

With the 2009-10 Legislative Session ending next week, the State Legislature is attempting to push through a massive bill that would radically change Wisconsin’s current election law…and not for the better.

The Democratic Majority in the legislature is fast-tracking AB 895/SB 640, a bill that is meant to tip the scales in favor of, ultimately, more voter fraud, which would in turn, apparently, tip the scales in favor of the Democratic Majority in the legislature.

Here are a few of our issues with the 72-page proposed legislation:

Automatic voter registration. The bill creates automatic voter registration using the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) records for DOT operator’s licenses or identification cards. Wisconsin’s election division, the so-called Government Accountability Board (GAB), would automatically register to vote all eligible individuals using the DOT’s files. Those automatic registrations could then be confirmed online, of all things. So someone could be registered by the state government to vote and then confirmed by someone else online! And no signature is required for voter registration.

Permanent absentee voting. The bill allows individuals to register to permanently receive absentee ballots for every election. Municipalities must then mail the absentee ballots to those individuals every year until a ballot is not returned for one year (two years in the substitute amendment). In addition to opening the door for voter fraud, this provision is an unfunded mandate for municipalities.

No signature required. The bill would remove the requirement that absentee ballots be certified and witnessed, removing safeguards against absentee ballot fraud, and the ability to legally defend or challenge an absentee ballot.

Challenging electors. The bill requires that challenging electors, i.e. “poll watchers,” would have to be from the same ward as the voter he/she challenges. The substitute amendment loosens that requirement to the county level. Challenging electors could do nothing to challenge a fraudulent vote, under the bill, unless they could verify they were from the same ward! The challenger would be required to provide identification but the challenged voter would not!

Conspicuously missing: Voter ID. Nowhere in the bill.

Wisconsin's Attorney General, J.B. Van Hollen, made the following statement concerning AB 895/SB 640: “the changes proposed in this bill neither enhance the right to vote nor protect against fraud. Instead, they make election fraud more likely, chill the lawful exercise of speech that is at the core of the First Amendment, and jeopardize the orderly administration of election laws.” No kidding!

What You Can Do

Your State Legislators need to hear from you on this dangerous bill! Both the Assembly and Senate version of the bill are ready to be scheduled for a floor vote in both houses next week. Time is of the essence.

1) Click on the link at the end of this email to send a message to your State Senator and Representative.

2) Call your state legislators and urge them to oppose this bill. Click here to find out who your legislators are and to find contact information. Or, to obtain your legislators' contact information, you can call the State Legislative Hotline: 800-362-9472.

3) Spread the word! Forward this email to friends and family members.

This bill impacts one of our most fundamental rights in this country, our right to vote. Believe me, it is no coincidence that the Democrats are trying to fast-track this legislation at the last moment in order to implement it before the crucial fall elections. We need to hold them accountable for this attempt to disenfranchise voters!

Breaking News! A Wisconsin federal district judge just struck down the National Day of Prayer (NDP) statute! Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation brought the case against the statute, claiming the NDP violates the so-called "separation of church and state."  President Obama would have to appeal the decision.

For Families,

Julaine Appling, President
Wisconsin Family Action  |  |  (P) 866-849-2536

Republican Women of the North, Northern WI,

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