Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Terri McCormick's Meet & Greet Last Wednesday - Enlightening!

We had a terrific visit with Terri McCormick last Wednesday, April 14 in St. Germain, WI.  For introduction, she talked about her background, family's heritage, how her family influenced her growing up and still impacts how she approaches challenges today.  We then had a great discussion about her campaign and a number of issues currently facing our country and Wisconsin. 

The need for independent thinkers, free-market problem solvers, and liberty-minded candidates has never been more evident.  Terri represents the Libertarian-leaning Republican in Wisconsin's 8th District with a strong will to uphold our Constitution.  Take time to listen to her speech and follow-up discussion at the Northwoods Patriots Meeting that was held April 13: Click here to listen

In doing our research, we found McCormick is ranked quite high among Liberty Candidates around the country for dedication to core principles (LibertySlate website - candidate ranking):

LibertySlate 2010 ranks non-incumbent candidates based on five fundamental issues in regards to spending, debt/economy, foreign policy, civil liberties, and entitlement programs. Additionally, we consider both website quality and chance of winning as factors in the ranking of the non-incumbent LibertySlate 2010 candidates.   

We encourage you to explore Terri's website and become familiar with her experiences in private and public sectors and her strong educational background.  She has given speeches to college students as part of the Campaign for Liberty and most recently attended and spoke at the Wisconsin Campaign for Liberty Conference (click for video).  She is also active in the Republican Liberty Caucus, an organization working to reform the Republican Party from within and restore our country's adherence to the Rule of Law and our Constitution.  

She will be back in our area May 8 - for our Great Debate Day of the North so please plan to attend - where you will hear from all candidates in Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District.     

Republican Women of the North, Northern WI, rwotnorth@gmail.com

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