Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Scott Walker's Brown Bag Contest

CONTEST: Show Us Your Brown Bag

Tax Day is a reminder of the burden placed on Wisconsin's citizens by a government that has lost touch with the needs of the people it is supposed to serve.  The people of our state are sick of government that, at all levels, continues to raise taxes to feed its ever-growing size and scope.

In honor of Tax Day, we want you to "Show Us Your Brown Bag."  Write your small government message on a brown bag, take a picture, and send it, along with your name and hometown, to before April 30th.  
We'll pick the best five bags and let you vote on which one you like best.  After you pick a winner, we'll make the winning bag available in our store and I'll send the winner a signed copy.  Here's my entry in the brown bag contest; it says, "Tom Barrett will Raise UR Taxes.  I Won’t."  What's your idea?
We need to build on the tremendous response we've received from my Brown Bag lunches across the state, and my “Brown Bag Guide to Government:”
  • Don’t spend more than you have.
  • Smaller government is better government.
  • People create jobs, not government.
Please help us send a message to leaders in Washington and Madison that we are tired of out of control taxing and spending.  Show us your brown bag today!

Scott Walker

Republican Women of the North, Northern WI,

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